Tips for sleeping with your hair extensions
Hair extensions have become very common because of their advantages. If you love fancy hairstyles or want to add color or dimension to your natural mane, hair extensions give you plenty of options. They come in a variety of designs and application methods. Invest in good hair extensions keeping your needs in mind. Nowadays, it is possible to wear them for entire days and even at night. Let us find out how you can sleep with hair extensions and still keep them healthy and beautiful.
What type of hair extensions can you sleep with?
Before getting hair extensions, it is advisable to know about the different varieties and how to take care of them. For example, there are certain types of hair extensions that you can wear while sleeping. So, if you want to wear your favorite style even when sleeping, get the appropriate hair attachments.
Keratin hair extensions - You can sleep with your keratin hair extensions. Since this type of hair attachment is fixed by the hot fusion method, it is safe for sleeping. The keratin ensures a strong bond which makes this extension semi-permanent. You can wear keratin hair extensions throughout the day and even when you go to sleep.
Stick hair extensions - These hair attachments come with tiny beads that are soft and comfortable. So, they are apt for sleeping at night.
Tape in hair extensions – These hair weaves come with thin and soft tapes that make sleeping with them easy. However, use good quality tapes to attach the hair extensions. Otherwise, they may come off at night. Reapplying the tape is easy; use a new tape when the old tapes fall off.
Weft hair extensions – Extremely convenient and semi-permanent, the sew-in method locks the wefts strongly so that you can wear them round-the-clock even while dozing. They fit snugly and feel like natural hair.
Micro ring loop hair extensions – This hair extension uses a cold fusion attachment method and is safe for sleeping. In fact, the wefts are designed for permanent wear, and hence, you should not take them off before going to bed.
Ways to sleep with hair extensions
Do you want to sleep with your hair extensions? They are safe and comfortable and do not lose their luster even after prolonged use. There are a few do’s and don’ts that you have to follow to keep the hair extensions damage-free.
Let us begin with the steps you must take to retain the look and increase the life of your weave.
Brush your hair
We would never get tired of repeating this advice. Brushing your hair is always good, but you have to follow the right method. All you need is a good detangling brush that will remove all the knots and tangles and keep your hair smooth and shiny. Use a wide-toothed brush to detangle the weave. A soft brush or a wet brush is ideal for taking care of your mane. Your hair extensions need your love and care, and so include brushing in your hair care regimen to extend their lives.
Inspect the hair extensions
Check the roots and hair strands for any tangle or damage. Before going to bed, make this a habit to inspect your natural hair as well as extensions every day. By showering your hair with love and care, you can easily maintain its health.
Braid your hair

A problem that most women dread is getting knotty hair when they wake up in the morning. Be it curly or straight hair, they get tangles and knots by rubbing against the pillow. The best way to prevent this is by tying your hair.
After brushing, make a loose braid and secure it so that your hair remains tangle-free all night. Making two side braids is a better idea. If you love waves, make the braids tighter. Loose braids will give you a loose wave that looks great too. Another advantage of braiding the hair is that you don’t have to spend much time in the morning styling your hair. Brushing is enough to get the look you desire.
A bun will do

If you have a habit of sleeping straight, you can ensure your hairstyle remains intact by just tying up your hair extensions in a knot. Make sure to tie them up high enough so that when you toss and turn on the bed, the hair wefts don’t get damaged. So, all you need to do after brushing is to hold the hair high up, twist it to form a loose bun and secure it with a silk tie.
Two pigtails or two buns on the side are good for keeping the hair detangled. If you twist the hair and then tie it, you will get lovely curls the next day.
Whether you are opting for a bun, knot, or braid, you have to keep one thing in mind – do not tie your hair tightly. Always tie loose so that there is no unnecessary pressure on the roots or the clips that secure the hair.
And remember to dry your hair before going to sleep. Wet hair is prone to damage. To extend the life of your hair and to keep it healthy and glowing, dry it completely using a soft towel before brushing.
What are the accessories you can use to protect your hair extensions if you sleep with them?
Getting a messy head with the hair strands tangling and forming knots is the ultimate fright of every woman. Of course, brushing and tying up the hair helps, but you cannot prevent the mane from rubbing against the pillowcase and getting damaged. This may cause hair fall and your hair extensions may lose their shine too.
Using particular items may solve your problem while you get your forty winks.
Switch to a satin or silk pillowcase – Definitely, a satin or silk pillowcase sounds luxurious and would prove helpful to your hair also. When our hair cuticles rub against the cotton pillowcases, the friction causes the cuticles to get uneven and develop wrinkles. Whereas a silk pillowcase will prevent such friction and keep your hair wefts smooth and wrinkle-free.

Wear a shower cap to bed - Have you tried a new hairstyle that you don’t want to get ruined while you sleep? The simplest solution to this problem is wearing a shower cap to bed. Get a good quality shower cap, preferably non-plastic and waterproof. Brush your hair, tie it up in a bun or knot, and then put it in the cap. That’s all you have to do to sleep soundly without damaging your weave.
Wrap your hair in a silk scarf – Another way to protect your hair extensions is to wrap the wefts in a silk scarf before hitting the sack. The silk scarf will keep the hair wefts intact and also prevent moisture loss.
Start using a microfiber towel - To dry your hair extensions faster, use microfiber towels instead of cotton towels. A microfiber towel not only dries the hair faster but also causes less damage and friction.
Taking care of hair extensions doesn’t require much time. You only have to follow a few rules and adopt a healthy hair care regime to keep your hair extensions healthier and shiny for a long time.